Let’s know about awesome iphone tips!

98  Hello there! Let’s take a test.

1. Can we backspace in a calculator?


2. Does our iphone have a Scientific Calculator?


3. Can we shoot pictures while film shooting?



4. can we use keyboard as trackpad to move the cursor?



5. can we use Japanese Emotions in our texts?

Before that you need to download Japanese(Kana) keyboard.


6. How can we clear RAM?

By holding a power button till it shows “swipe to power off”, then hold down the home button. The screen goes blank and your RAM clears. Now your iphone runs faster!

7. Is it possible to prioritize app downloads?


8. Can we invert the colours on display? Can we change the screen light?

Change in screen light cannot be shown here! Use the intensity and hue controls.


9. Can we lock our notes?


10. Is there a shortcut keys for an app without opening it?

Yes, by using 3D touch!

11. Can we set the brightness of the torch light?

torch light


Well! I never knew about the last one! Feel free to add more tips in comments below! 😊

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